Wednesday, December 12, 2007

going. under. cover.

For those who haven't been keeping up with the latest at the bakery, the girls of evy & grace are going under cover...literally. We're through with Christmas sessions, through with deliveries (almost) and ready to catch up on rest.

If you are expecting a package, the contents of which includes precious gift items for Christmas, you can rest, too...everything is on target to arrive and be delivered before Christmas. If you send email or call and don't get a timely response, we'll follow up as soon as we awaken from our under-cover work...we mean sleep! :)

Before Hilary heads off for her cruise, she would like to leave the following note to D-Rock...

You all should go see Derek, too! In case you haven't heard, he's the proud new owner of 180 Fitness...THE place to get in shape this holiday season...before it's too late. Fruitcake, hot-cocoa, and Christmas candy can do terrible things to your physique! And we hear cruises aren't good for the body either. YIKES!

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